  • 如何使用电子班牌的紧急通知功能?

    面对突如其来的疫情,你是否觉得校园里美好、和谐、安静的氛围有了一点改变,从此更加紧张,大家在校园活动中要更加小心。接下来的每一步都在考验我们校园里每个人的健康预防意识、风险意识和紧迫感。 电子班牌具有紧急通知、ic卡/身份证考勤、人脸考勤、班牌行走、人脸测温、学生评论、家长评论、校园风格等功能。 1.智能电……

  • 电子班牌的功能

    智慧校园是未来校园的蓝图,关系到师生校园生活的方方面面,包括安全、健康、教育。其中,电子班牌作为展示学校日常工作、班级师生风采、家校共育的平台,是实现智慧校园的应用载体,是智慧教育的体现。 电子班牌的功能: 1.为学校和教师提供便捷的教学管理,实现学校信息管理的智能化应用。 2.多元展示学校班级动态、……

  • Intelligent interactive blackboard
    Intelligent interactive blackboard

    1. Including teaching courseware, painting board and graffiti board interactive interconnection and synchronous operation The college has expanded the teachi……

  • The difference between conference and education machine
    The difference between conference and education machine

    With the wide application of education integrated machine and intelligent conference panel (Conference integrated machine) in education, conference, training, government, enterprise, business and other fields, many people have been puzzled. Many times, so

  • The use of LCD advertising machine in different places
    The use of LCD advertising machine in different places

    In the past two years, the market situation of LCD advertising players has been gratifying. On the one hand, various technological innovations have created many new functions; on the other hand, market demand has increased. For example, in the constructio

  • Conference display features of large screen!
    Conference display features of large screen!

    The large display screen of video conference greatly facilitates people's work and life, and saves a lot of time and energy. As we all know, before the advent of products with video connection and telephone, the meeting needs to be conducted through f

  • Why use the conference display screen?
    Why use the conference display screen?

    Video conference has become the norm of our daily work, and the conference display screen is the basic equipment. Video conferencing can be simple or complex. The simplest is the smartphone. In the complex multi person to multi person environment, a video

  • The comparison between education all in one machine and traditional multimedia!
    The comparison between education all in one machine and traditional multimedia!

    Compared with the traditional multimedia classroom solution, the integrated intelligent touch and Bluetooth wireless sound reinforcement system fully embodies the advanced nature of the system in two aspects: access mode and system control. Wireless appli

  • The advantages of all-in-one education machine!
    The advantages of all-in-one education machine!

    With the progress of science and technology, the all-in-one education machine gives full play to its unique advantages. Educational all-in-one machine makes full use of network technology and multimedia technology, with interactive education as the main f

  • The detection efficiency of human body temperature measuring machine!
    The detection efficiency of human body temperature measuring machine!

    In public places and other densely populated areas, temperature screening is difficult, which requires a lot of human contact investigation and measurement, and there is a cross risk of infection. The screening staff work long hours, tired and easy to mak

  • Human body temperature measuring machine features!
    Human body temperature measuring machine features!

    How to effectively carry out epidemic prevention in public places has become a problem of concern. Traditional protection mode not only increases a lot of manpower, but also leads to personnel detention and aggregation due to low detection efficiency, whi

  • Shenzhen Heijin Industrial Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Laboratory was established in Shenzhen
    Shenzhen Heijin Industrial Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Jiaotong University Joint Laboratory was established in Shenzhen

    good news Congratulations to the Guangdong Shaanxi Chamber of Commerce (Shenzhen) Vice President Unit: S


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