
Шэньчжэньская индустрия черного золота помогает интеллектуальному конференц-автомобилю Северо-Западного университета

Время выхода:2020-09-10   мнения:13710

Affected by the epidemic this year, everyone's normal life and work, including traditional video conferences, teaching methods, and campus security, have been severely challenged. Now that the epidemic situation is picking up, with the advent of the intelligent era, as a supplier of intelligent teaching equipment, we are happy to provide teachers with a more professional teaching mode, create a good learning atmosphere for students, and make the classroom full of the beauty of words and the joy of reading.

  Shenzhen Heijin Industrial Manufacturing Co., Ltd. donated intelligent hardware and intelligent software platform to Northwestern University under the witness of the Czech "Belt and Road" Economic and Technological Association and President Liu. As a national high-tech enterprise, a leading supplier of technology and resources in the field of education, Enjoying the dividends brought by the national policy, we will give back to the country and society in our own way, and thank the school for providing such an opportunity to let our products enter the oldest institution of higher learning in the northwest region to improve the quality of learning and experience the joy of learning.


              ● Black Gold Industrial Products          █

    Northwest University is a prestigious university with the longest history in Northwest China. It has been established for more than 100 years and is a national key university. When the school started in September, a donation ceremony was held at the Taibai Campus of Northwestern University. Wang Yajie, secretary of the school's party committee, heads of the school's international department, and the Silk Road Research Institute attended the ceremony.


             ● Donation ceremony site         █

     The secretary also expressed his gratitude to the company on behalf of the school at the ceremony. He emphasized that Northwestern University adheres to the strategy of opening up schools and, in accordance with the goals of "global source", "global presence" and "global influence", focuses on the national "Belt and Road" construction and builds a high-level Cooperation and exchange platform, improve the quality of cooperation and exchange, vigorously promote the pace of international development, and carry out in-depth international exchanges and cooperation. It is hoped that the two sides can strengthen school-enterprise cooperation, tap the potential of cooperation, expand cooperation projects, and continuously achieve new results.


         ● Secretary's speech           █

     At the ceremony, Secretary Wang Zhijie issued a donation certificate to Heijin Industrial Company and presented a souvenir of the school emblem of Northwest University.

donation certificate



Souvenirs in return


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